Explore How Registering A Trademark Assure The Protection Of The Property?
Generally, a
business relies on the goodwill associated with its intellectual property. A
trademark is a way of discriminating the goods or services of your business
from other businesses.
Besides, a
trademark also gives you exclusive rights to commercially use, license or sell
the trademark. More importantly to protect your business and brand reputation
one must need to register trademark Australia.
trademarks are recommended as it can help you to get the right assistance of an industry
expert to help to navigate the application process with the body that governs
trademarks Australia.
What Are The Benefits Of Trademark Registration?
- Exclusive Rights
- Builds trust and Goodwill
- Differentiates Product
- Recognition to product’s Quality
- Creation of Asset
- Use of Trademark symbol
- Protection against infringement
- Protection for 10 Years at low cost
- Global Trademark Registration
- Attract Human Resources
Register a trademark is not an easy task. Many agencies help you to cover
up your trademark registration. But before applying one must know the details
and the process of registering a trademark. It requires five important steps,
such as:
Step – 1:
Deciding a type of Trademark
Step – 2:
Understanding Goods & Services
Step –3:
Search for a Brand
Step – 4:
Apply for Registration
Step – 5:
Automation Outcome
A trademark registration lasts for 10 years.
Unlike patent rights, however, trademark registrations can be renewed every so
often for as long as you want. A trademark includes non-marketing stuff that
also uses on
- Bank accounts
- Stock certificates
- Contracts
- Letterhead
- And other documents in order to identify the entity.
Mainly entrepreneurs and small business owners
are well aware of the benefits of registering a trademark. However, some people
prefer to apply for trademark Australia for
quick registration of a business name, company name or domain name for
exclusive ownership that can give you complete protection.
If you have
a business that is related to any unique product or service to market and wants
to form of branding such as – business name painted on the side of a truck, a trademark that is a legally enforceable way to protect it.
Trademark is
intended to avoid consumer confusion and preventing companies from diluting the
marks of other firms. This occurs when a similar mark adversely affects the reputation of a distinctive trademark regardless if it leads to consumer
confusion or not.
The cost of
applying for a worldwide trademark will vary depending on the protection you
are seeking as per goods and services are grouped together in classes (e.g.
clothing, footwear, and headgear are under one class, whereas software is in a
different class).
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