Register your trademark! Take it seriously.
an owner of a business wants to safeguard his or her business. He or she has
to ensure that no one else in their business domain is using the same symbols
or mark or for that matter any combination of language or numerals or even
sound and motion picture, that uniquely identifies the business.
It isn’t just businesses that are
identifiable by certain logos or symbols etc. Even products, packages, labels and vouchers can
be identified with a logo or symbols, etc. When such a logo or a symbol is
lawfully applied to the assets of the legal entity that owns, it is called the
registered trademark, or just a trademark.
in Australia follows, more or less the international standards after the
constitution of World trade organization and world Intellectual Property
Organization. If you are serious about
your business, register a trademark.
A trademark that is owned by a legal entity can be licensed to
another legal entity. No third party that does not possess the trademark can apply the trademark for conducting any part or for that
matter, the whole of the business.
If a business owner is using a
trademark, owned by another legal entity, the latter entity can enforce the
sanctity of ownership of the trademark and call upon the using entity to
pay for damages as the case is disposed
off in the corporate courts.
Seriously trademarks are in the business of protecting your trademark name Australia wide. We the seriously trademark also offer the services of
protecting your trademarks globally by applying with the World Intellectual
property organization on the behalf of business owners.
Trademarks are often vigorously
contested. A lot of companies often have to contest the trademark
especially internationally. For instance, what would McDonald's be without the
large yellow M. That is what the trademark of McDonald's is and that is what
draws the crowds to McDonald's. These trademarks make these multinational
companies very powerful. They give them a lot of leeways when negotiating for
licenses or franchises.
These days innovation in trademarks
is also being witnessed. For instance, a start-up gets its product patented
first and then it comes up with a trademark for its product. If the product is
innovative and productive with large scale applications, the start-up makes a
money with the trademark and product licensing.
That is how Microsoft came into
becoming a global entity that it is today.
to Australia. A large number of businesses
are realizing the benefits if they were to register trademark Australia wide. Australia may not be home to a lot of
fortune five company headquarters. But the business environment in Australia
is booming. Why not be a part of the boom time. This is the best time to start
a business with an idea. Register a product and process patents. In this age of
ubiquitous information Accomplishment of the above is not impossible.
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